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 Lady Seahawk Soccer Team for the WIN #GOALS
Lady Seahawk Soccer Team for the WIN #GOALS
Welcome to Franklin County School District

We invite you to visit and join the Seahawk Nation.

Students on playground
Welcome to Franklin County School District
Safety Symposium
Schools in Franklin County join forces to learn protocols to protect students from school shootings.
Franklin County School safety specialist, Anthony Croom, invites local schools to attend a school shooting symposium to learn more safety protocols to protect students, faculty, and staff in Franklin County. Pictured are school principals, guest speaker Tom Czyz, Superintendent Steve Lanier, and Anthony Croom (far right).
The Wizard of Oz Cast - Seahawks are stars!
Special Olympics 2024
Special Olympics 2024
Smokey the bear is surrounded by FCS students
Smokey the Bear visit lit up the Seahawk faces
Fire prevention and wildfire videos, lessons, and engaging activities were presented to Pre-K - 5th graders at FCS

Upcoming Events

News & Announcements

By The Numbers



Volunteers Appreciated


Students Enrolled 

Smokey the Bear visit lit up FCS Student faces
young girl with headphones

76% Civics EOC Pass Rate

Above the state average of 67%

young woman graduate

71% Biology EOC Pass Rate

Above the state average of 67%