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FCS Transportation Department

The primary goal of the Franklin County School District Transportation Department is to provide safe, dependable and cost-effective transportation for every child in our district. The Transportation Department realizes what a tremendous responsibility we have on a daily basis. Parents and guardians put their

children in our hands each day and trust that we will look after them as if they were our own children. Our Transportation Team makes every effort to keep our precious cargo of children as safe and secure as possible each and every day. 

We want the students’ bus ride to be part of a positive educational experience. However, in spite of our best efforts, we know that buses will occasionally be late due to traffic, vehicle breakdowns, substitute drivers, and student management issues. We are committed to making every effort to reduce these problems and provide the safest transportation possible. 

In order to control bus capacities and keep our students safe, all students MUST register, and be assigned to a bus, PRIOR to riding. Each student in your family should be individually registered online. Bus Request/Contract should be filled out and returned to the transportation office. Click here.

Students may ride the bus in the morning and afternoon. They may also opt to only ride mornings or afternoons. Students do not have to ride every day to remain on the roster. To have your child registered on the bus, simply fill out the Transportation tab in the Parent Portal on Focus. If you do not have access to the internet, the bus operator will pick up your child and give your child a hard copy of the Bus Ridership for you to fill out. Please return the paperwork the next day and your child will be registered on the bus. Please note: In order for your student to ride the bus they must be registered at Franklin County School. Registration forms must be filled out within a week or students may lose bus privileges. 

Unregistered students waiting at a bus stop without a parent/guarding present, will be transported to school and taken to an administrator. Unregistered students will not be transported home after school. Transportation home for unregistered students will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

  • Please complete a separate Ridership request for EACH student that will be riding a bus. This can be done in the Parent Portal in Focus. If you don't have internet access then a hardcopy can be filled out.
  • Eligible students will be assigned only ONE bus stop, determined by the address of the enrolling parent/guardian. Parent/Guardians with split custody will be assigned one location. 
  • Students that are NOT riding a bus to school should NOT Register to Ride.
  • Students living less than two miles from their school are not eligible to ride a school bus (unless the area has been determined to be hazardous based on Florida Statute 1006.23 or the student is in Pre-Kindergarten), and should NOT Register to Ride.

Please use the following link to access Focus: Focus Parent Portal

To reach a member of our staff call 850.670.2800 extension 3117 or 4112.