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Academic Services

The Academic Services Department provides comprehensive support services to employees, students and their families so that all students will come to school, stay in school and engage in learning. The main functions of the department are to support the following:

  • Academic, career and personal/social competencies.
  • Physical and mental health well-being.
  • Early childhood education.
  • Network with community agencies.
  • Parent education and staff training.
  • Visit students' homes to work with families.
  • Attendance intervention and truancy reduction.
  • 504 compliance.
  • Exceptional Student Education.
  • Home School.
  • Alternative Schools.
  • Code of Student Conduct.

Programs and Services

Office services consist of our Alternative Education Programs, Vocational Education,  Exceptional Student Education, and Psychological and Social Work Services, Regional Accreditation, Instructional Technology, Program Development, Parent Involvement,Testing, Adult School and the 21st Century After School Program.  Our services are provided to all our elementary, middle, high, and alternative schools. We assist students and their families to enhance academic performance and social and emotional development of children.

Our goal is to help all students and employees. We identify problems in academic performance as well as students' emotional health, and we monitor the way the school system meets the students' needs. We solve problems through direct services with students, parents, and teachers. We help school administrators, educators and families create classroom and home environments best suited to the educational/emotional needs of students.

Franklin County School District instructional Continuity Plan

The desired outcome of the Instructional Continuity Plan is to establish protocol and set in place an action plan that will ensure the continuation of instruction in the case of prolonged closures (more than two weeks) due to a natural disaster or epidemic/pandemic.  

Click here to view the plan.


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